- D -

Dean, Dicky

Birthplace: London, Ontario

Schooling: graduated from London Teachers' College ,

later from the University of Western Ontario with a B.A.

He left teaching 1974 along with his wife Marg to pursue

magic full-time with their "Magical Doves" stage show.

He was neither a close-up nor walk around magician.

At the time of writing this archive, June 2006, he and his

wife Marg have been performing magic full-time for 31

years, and they continue to perform their stage show

Dicky and Marg Dean have appeared in every province

in Canada with their show, six times on CBC-T.V. from

Montreal plus numerous other T.V. and radio shows

across Canada. He set a record in his own career by

appearing at the Magic Lantern Theatre (Laterna

Magika) in Montreal for 36 consecutive appearances.

Dicky Dean's exciting career as a magician began when

he was very young. At age ten he received a book as a

gift entitled Magic by Walter B. Gibson. Immediately he

became fascinated by magic. London magician

Everette Mires was most helpful in getting him started.

When he was twelve years old he entered the

entertainment section of the London Hobby Fair and

won first prize. The following year, thirteen year old

Dicky Dean learned that the Kiwanis Club was offering

a scholarship for the best overall performer. Dicky Dean

won it. News spread fast about his success and Percy

Abbott of Abbott's Magic Company in Colon, Michigan

invited him to perform at Abbott's annual magicians'

convention as Dicky Dean Canada's Youngest

Magician. This was the first convention that he ever

attended, and there he was performing at it. There he

met Neil Foster who inspired him to enroll as a student

at the Chavez College of Manual Dexterity and

Prestidigitation in Hollywood, California.

It was a long train ride from London, Ontario to Los

Angeles, California for a 15 year old boy who was about

to begin personal studies under Ben and Marian

Chavez. While at the Chavez College he invented the

Zombie Fire Climax. It became a competition winner. He

has since made it available to magicians around the

world. While in Hollywood he met Harry Blackstone Sr.

and they had their picture taken on the corner of

Hollywood and Vine. While at the Chavez College his

fellow students were Andre Kole, Norm Nielsen, Ruth

Ann Magee, Clyde Cronkhite, Joe Hart and others. Two

years later he returned to the Chavez College and

graduated. While there he stayed at the home of the

Cronkhite family of whom Clyde was one of two sons.

(In the April 2004 M-U-M Dicky Dean wrote an article

entitled A Visit to Clyde's Bar, Clyde Cronkhite,

Featuring the History of Magic, the Art of Magic and a

Creative Magic Show in the Privacy of His Own Home

November 1963 Editor Neil Foster featured Dicky Dean

on the cover of Abbott's New Tops. The inside story

was written by London's well-known magician Everette

Mires. Later, Dicky Dean's photo also appeared in

Abbott's Tops Pictorial Album of Magicians.

October 1969 Dicky Dean and Marg appeared on the

stage show at the NYCAN, New York Canada Conclave

(Magicians' Convention) in Elmira New York. Some of

the other acts appearing with him were Earl Canapp

In 1972 they were invited to appear on the stage show

at the NYCAN convention again, in Rochester, New

Dicky Dean was nominated by the directors of Hocus

Pocus magazine for an award. Here are some excerpts

from the letter to him. "Awards are presented in New

York City at our semi-annual Hocus Pocus

Conventionwe would like to arrange a date with you to

appear at one of our future conventions to accept the

award." Past winners have included Harry Blackstone

Jr., James Randi and Tom Ogden.

October 4, 1973 Dicky Dean was invited by the late Jack

Hareen to lecture before the Hat and Rabbit Club, Ring

17 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians,

Toronto, where he presented a 90 minute lecture.

As well as writing articles for magic magazines and

newspapers he has written three books: The Dean

Speaks, Using Magic in Teaching and Magic. In

addition, he has invented the following effects that have

been made available to magicians around the world:

Zombie Fire Climax, Dove from a Newspaper with

Instructions for His Special Flower Effect. The New

Fountain of Silks, The Dicky Dean Miraculous Ribbon,

The Dicky Dean Silk Tie, The Dicky Dean Five to One

Sensation, The Dicky Dean 20th Century Silks in a

Newspaper Miracle and The Dicky Dean Impossible

Link. Dicky Dean's invention of the Zombie Fire Climax

is now documented in the book Joe Karson, Beyond

Zombie by Michael Rose 1999. Dicky Dean's silk and

newspaper effects were scheduled to be published in

Harold Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Volume 4.

Unfortunately Harold died and his Volume 4 was never

published. The effects remain in the possession of his

The story of the life of Dicky Dean was featured in John

Booth's Memoir's of a Magician's Ghost in The Linking

Len Vintus, who was a founder and first member of the

International Brotherhood of Magicians featured Dicky

Dean's large photograph under Canadian Magic

Busters in his book Magicians of the World.

A photograph and story of Dicky Dean and Marg

appeared in John Booth's book 1990 Creative World of

Dicky Dean is in Who's Who in Magic by Bart Whaley

August 2003 Marg and Dicky Dean were featured on the

cover of MUM magazine. Following the cover and the

cover story he began featuring a regular column

entitled Stage Magic by Dicky Dean.

January 2005 Dicky Dean and Marg Dean were featured

on the cover of Northern Peaks a Journal for Canadian

Magicians along with a feature article entitled So You

Want to Become a Full-time Professional Magician Do

Dicky Dean and Marg have been written about in most

magic magazines in the U.S.A. and regularly in The

Magician magazine in London, England.

December 2005, Dale Salwak of the Chavez College of

Magic wrote, Do you perhaps have plans to attend the

IBM in Miami June 27-July 2 Would you have an interest

in coming in as a guest artist? They were already

booked to perform in Saskatchewan and could not

perform at the IBM convention.
Dean, Marg

Schooling: Graduated London Teachers' College and

University of Western Ontario B.A. in Psychology 1971.

Left teaching 1974 to pursue magic fulltime with her

husband Dicky Dean. Experienced grade one & two.

Because of teaching, developed an impressive

children's birthday party show and later presented

certain effects for Dicky Dean magic show for children.

Worked at Holiday Inn, London, Ontario on a trial basis

and her show was such a success, she was to appear

there every Saturday for five years.

As her reputation grew the distance she traveled for

shows grew. Soon she was booked by the Sheraton

Inn in Toronto to appear with her children's show.

Marg's photo, along with Dicky Dean, was included on

M.U.M. magazine cover, August 2003 and later on the

Northern Peaks cover, January 2005.

Marg appears between Windsor and Toronto with her

children's birthday party show on a regular basis.

Along with the Dicky Dean show, and while acting as

his assistant, she appeared six times on CBC T.V. and

once on television in New York, plus numerous other

T.V. and radio shows across Canada.

Marg is also business manager for the Dicky Dean

magic show. Marg has appeared in every province in
Devlin, James

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto
Devitt, John H.

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto
DiSero, Matthew 1974

Performs in the U.S.A. and Canada at corporate

functions, resorts and variety shows.

At 16, was hired to perform at "A little Night Magic",

Canada's longest running magic dinner theatre.

Opened for Drew Carey and Saturday Night Live's

Victoria Jackson. Headliner at the Great Lakes

Comedy Festival and regularly performs on Armed

Forces tours to Greece, Cypress, Greenland and the

North Pole! Appeared on Comedy Television shows

such as Canadian based,"Comedy at Club 54" and

U.S. Show Time network's, "The Night Shift" and

HBO's,"Stand and Deliver."
Domino, Martin 1968
b.Montreal 1968.

Martin became interested in magic, when his martial arts

partner introduced him to a fellow acquaintance who juggled,

busked, and performed magic throughout Canada as part of a

fringe festival performance troupe.

Following up his initial contact with the Cirque du Soleil in 1987,

DominO completed a complete sleight of hand introduction

through the Camirand Academie De Magie, taught by a very

young David Acer at the magic studios of Perfect Magic.

While studying and performing in Montreal, DominO was lucky

to have been influenced by Romaine, Guy Camirand, Gary

Oullette, David Acer, Richard Sanders, and Jay Sankey. Upon his

induction into the Society of American Magicians in 1989,

DominO was further introduced to some of the best magicians in

the world - as they emerged onto the performance scene from

Montreal and the East Coast. Gary Kurtz, Alain Choquette, and

Moving to Vancouver, in 1992, brought DominO into new

escapades and new influences. While traveling through Chicago,

the western United States, and British Columbia, DominO had

the opportunity to meet, learn from, and trade ideas with

some of the greatest minds in magic. A pilgrimage to the Magic

Castle in 1996 and other travels up and down the coast have

broadened his appreciation for the ancient art of magic and the

profession of entertainment. Magic has brought DominO around

the world over the past several years.
Downing, Dale

Professional magician since 1980 working cruise ships,

and touring with full stage show and with one man
Drake, David
1931 - 1998

Schooling: Graduated University British Columbia

I.B.M. #19453, Member of Merlin

Past President I.B.M. Ring 17 / Toronto

Assistant Editor I.B.M. Lining Ring Magazine

Won two Linking Ring Trophies for contributions

Board of Directors member and Close-up MC of-

Fechter's Finger Flickers Frolics (4F or FFFF)

Moved to Toronto 1953, worked as screen writer for CBC

1972, became full time magician

Occasionally taught magic classes at Seneca College

Regular close-up performer at Obie's restaurant and -

performed at trade shows and for corporate events

Exceptional writer and magician