Hades, Brian

Son of Mickey, currently owns and operates Hades
Hades, Micky
1926 -

Illusionist, magic dealer, publisher (much more to come)
Hall, Stanley (Stan)
1896 - 1977
d. December 13, 1977
Birth Place: Bolton, Lancashire, England
Interested in magic since age seven
Left England 1913, moved to Hamilton, Ontario
1916 - 1919, served in Canadian Armed Forces,
Presented Musical/magic act while in service.
Returned to Canada and worked on act,
1927 joined I.B.M.
Founding member IBM Ring 17/Hamilton just after
1927(pre. 1947)

Founding member IBM Ring 49/Hamilton (1947 Charter)

Charter member IBM Ring 17, Hamilton(pre. 1947)

Charter member BM Ring 49, Hamilton
Appointed by then President W.W. Durbin, Stan was one
of the first Canadian representatives of the I.B.M.
Stan contributed to the Linking Ring as well as other
magic magazines of the time. Appeared and competed
at I.B.M. conventions, winning for originality.
In 1951, Stan did a three month tour of
UK/France/Belgium visiting Rings,conventions etc..
His home was the first meeting hall for Hamilton
Ring 49's and earlier, Hamilton Ring 17's meetings,
with it's giant living room, it was ideal for magic shows and meetings.

Magician/ Juggler/Unicycle rider
Hardie, Robert D.
1915 - 1997

I.B.M. #7417, member Order of Merlin Excalibur
Hatfield, Murray

Birthlace: Calgary Alberta

Murray Hatfield became interested in magic at the age of 10,

after seeing a magician perform. By 18, Murray chose to

pursue magic as his profession and his show continued to

evolve and grow. He was soon touring the world,

performing in such diverse locations as Isreal, Cyprus, the

North Pole, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the United

States and Japan. In 1986 Murray was invited to be one of

the special guests in 'Illusions...A Magic Spectacular!' -

Canada's largest and most prestigious touring magic and

illusion show. This was indeed an honor as no Canadian

performer had ever been a part of this show before.

Murray's act was so well received that the following year, he

was invited to headline the show. In 1992 Murray became

producer, director and star of 'Illusions'. He has held this

position for eight years - creating an entirely new show

every year. No other producer in the business has been

able to match this accomplishment. During the years that

Murray has been involved, 'Illusions' has grown from a five

week tour to a seven week tour of just under 100 shows in

28 cities across the country. In 2003, the show raised over

two million dollars for the sponsoring charities involved.

In 1992, Murray hired a young dancer named Teresa to

choreograph his dancers and act as dance captain. It

wasn't long before she started playing a part in the illusions

as well. With a background in dance, theatre and television,

she was the ideal assistant and ultimately evolved into

Murray's partner. In addition to appearing on land, Murray

Hatfield and Teresa have appeared on numerous luxury

cruise ships around the globe. They have cruised to the

Bermuda Triangle, through the Panama Canal and from the

Deep Caribbean to Alaska.
Hayes, Frank A.
1916 - 1997

r.Stoney Creek/Hamilton, Ontario

Held I.B.M. #8834, member Order of Merlin Excalibur

Charter member IBM Ring 49 Hamilton Ontario.

Frank was a prominent Hamilton magician who many-

say was far ahead of his time. In his early years, he-

performed fire and dove effects before most others.

Dressed impeccably in tux with East Indian make up,

turban, cape and having an assistant, Frank had an -

incredibly expressive face and his act was very-

theatrical. Frank faced many hardships in his life which-

never seemed to hinder him; hearing and speech -

impairment never slowed him down. He learned sign -

language and was an avid lip reader which, he -

explained, helped him on occasion with his magic.

Frank was one of the most loved elders of Ring 49,

Hamilton Ontario, as he had great charter and was-

friend to everyone. With a truly warm heart, he was-

always willing to share his knowledge with any magician,

young or old. He had a great laugh and fantastic sense-

of humor. He was active in the community, belonging-

to the Hamilton Lodge AF and AM#562, Hamilton Shrine-

club, IOOF, and Moose Lodge. He is truly missed.
Head, Albert Vernon "Roy"
1920 - 1996

Predeceased by his wife Doris

Children: Nancy Lee, Chris

Active magician/ventriloquist since teens

Known by many great magicians of the time,

as he entertained troops in WWII

Roy introduced well-known Canadian -

Country and Western star Tommy Hunter -

In the final years of his life, Roy taught magic -

to children in London Ontario and received

an Outstanding Citizenship award from the -
Heeren, Jack
1923 - 2002
b. 1923
Birth Place: Holland
d. January 29, 2002
r. Mississauga Ontario
Born in Holland in 1923, Jack received a "Magic Box" for his
12th birthday and was hooked.
At age 16, Germany attacked Holland .
During occupation, Jack's home was taken over by German
troops and Jack lived with his family in their basement.
In 1945, Holland was liberated and the allied soldiers also
took over Jack's home. British and Canadian soldiers were

most numerous and night after night, Jack entertained the
troops at home, parties or "rest camp evenings". By this
time Jack had broadened his repetoir to include hypnosis
and mentalism.
Immediately after the war, as a Scoutmaster, Jack was asked
to accompany a group of children to England, where they
would be fed and looked after to recover from the war years.
In England, Jack performed for many including visiting Queen
Juliana of the Netherlands.
During the next four years, he developed a children's act and
puppet show and traveled by bicycle all over.
Jack soon started a career as an accountant in Holland,
where he also continued magic, appearing on Television
before people like King Saoud of Saudi Arabia and Haile
Selassie of Ethiopia.
In 1954 Jack took first prize in mental magic at the NMU
convention in Netherlands. In 1955, he won first at the Radio
City Competition with his mental act.
In 1959, Jack, his wife Henny and their 3 children immigrated
to Canada where he found a job as an accountant and once
again started performing magic.
Jack held I.B.M. #18086 and has been a continuous member
of the I.B.M. since 1961, Past President of the Toronto Hat
And Rabbit Club and the Kitchener Hat And Wand Club.
Jack was also a member of the English Magic Circle and The
Canadian Association Of Magicians. Also Member ...
I.B.M. Ring 49, Hamilton, Ontario and Canadian Association
Of Magicians Board Member.
Jack once said,
"There simply is no brotherhood like the magic brotherhood"
(Submitted by Joan Caesar January 30, 2002)
Heft, Rodney M.

Rod was born in Great Britain and spent most of his life in

Canada. On May 25, 2006, he became a naturalized -

Rod became interested in magic around the age of nine.

Rod's serious interest in the craft began at the age of

sixteen when he read The Amateur Magician's Handbook by

Henry Hay. Rod performed at children's parties, adult

functions, restaurant magic, street magic and in schools.

Because of his interest in the history of magic, Rod wrote

articles on that subject for Levitator, the official publication

of the now-defunct Society of Canadian Magicians. Rod is

presently writing historical articles for Northern Peaks, the

official publication of the Canadian Association Of

Magicians. He has been mentioned in Dr. Bart Whaley's

Who's Who In Magic, John Booth's Creative World of

Conjuring and Hay's The Amateur Magician's Handbook.

Rod collects books, tokens, stamps and colour changing

knives. Rod was inducted into the IBM Order of Merlin
Hemeon, Carl
Hemming, Fred

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto
Henning, Doug
1947 - 2000

Birth place: Winnipeg, Manitoba

b. May 3, 1947 - d. February 7, 2000

Schooling: McMaster University

Shows: Spellbound - Royal Alexandra Theatre (Toronto)

The Magic Show - Broadway (May 1974)

Merlin - Broadway (February 13, 1983)

Doug Henning's World Of Magic - Broadway

Television Specials: Doug Henning's World Of Magic,
+ 7 more specials...

Awards: "Georgie" - Entertainer of the Year

(American Guild Of Variety Artists)

"Magician Of The Year" - Magic Castle

Recently, I.B.M. Ring 49 Hamilton, Ont. Canada named -

"The Doug Henning Magic Wand Club" in his honour.
Herman, Ronald B.
1936 - 1997

Exceptional close-up artist

also known as WWII Historian,

had encyclopedic knowledge of magic history
Hewitt, Douglas Maxwell
1926 - 1997

I.B.M. # 16476 twice President IBM Ring 49

Past I.B.M. TVP for Ontario

Worked for G.W. Robinson, Dominio Stores -

as commercial artist, retired to work for

McMaster Medical Centre, Hamilton, Ont. Canada

Better known as Maxwell the magician, for more

than 40 years entertained with magic.

Long time member and Elder at St. John -

United Church, very involved in Church's charity -
Hobson, Alexander W.(Sandy) 1959 -

Born: November 6, 1959 Tillsonburg, Ontario

Children:twin boys, Flynn and Brodie

First magical influences, Johnny Giordmaine -

Saw Johnny perform in school.

Uncle (Alex Brunt) performed cig. through hanky,

nickels to dimes, other "Real Magic"

Mrs. Smith, Arcade Magic Shop/Toronto

Past President I.B.M. Ring 49/Hamilton

Past Board of Director member, Canadian Association-

Awards: Two consecutive years,

"John E. Shipton Achievement Award" from Ring 49,

"Sid Lorraine Achievement Award" For contribution to

excellence in Magic in Canada 2010 from C.A.M.

Master Cabinet Maker, Broadcaster, Writer

Performed and taught magic through

High Schools, community centers, schools -

Developed this web site, past webmaster for-

Past Member: I.B.M., C.A.M., S.A.M., Lifetime N.A.A.V.

Society Of Canadian Magicians
Holden, Reginald "Reg"
1924 - 1999

Children: Sheranne, Judy, George, Preston,

Dianne, Glen. 14 Grandchildren

I.B.M. #7285, member Order of Merlin Excalibur

Lifetime Member and Past President-

I.B.M. Ring 17/Toronto, Ontario

Worked for Canada Life Assurance Company

Became magic teacher and lecturer for Toronto-

Known for his original interpretation-
Hood, Scott
19-- -

Past President, I.B.M., Ring 49, Hamilton Ontario
Hooton, Cam
19-- -

Past President, I.B.M., Ring 49, Hamilton, Ontario
Hopman, Marien
r. Chatham Ontario
Birthplace:Holland. Immigrated to Canada 1953
Twin brother is a ventriloquist
Marien was hooked on magic from watching Milky -
(Clare Cummings) on Detroit TV
Started ordering magic from ads on the back of
comic books and later from catalogues ordered from
Popular Mechanics magazines. Marien learned the
'real works' from Roy Kissel and Karrell Fox at
their Detroit shop.
2002 marks the 35th year of Marien attending
the Abbott Get-Together.
Member: Canadian Association of Magicians #112
Fellowship of Christian Magicians
(submitted by Marien Hopman June 5, 2002)
Houghton, Norman
1909 - 1998

(Norman DeBlois Houghton)

b.February 3, 1909 - d.March 4, 1998

Past President I.B.M. Ring17/Toronto

Worked professionally with magic and Punch-

and Judy act in early days. Favorite interest, Close-up

WWII posted in Italy with Stewart James, on leave , -

performed Magic Circle in London

Marketed many magic items including "Kismet"

Book, postumously released, "Wizardry: The Magic -
Hunt, Doug
Born:July 18, 1956
Birth Place: Paris, Ontario, Canada
r.Brantford, Ontario
As a young boy, shy, withdrawn and with speech problems,
Doug Hunt's outgoing father taught him the French Drop
and how to juggle. Doug's first trick, which he 'almost bought',
was, multiplying billiard balls which Doug walked out of a
hobby shop with transfixed and forgetting to pay. His dad later
told friends that "My son's first trick was making a magic set
disappear right under the storekeepers nose's. Doug's first real
magic show was during a Wolf Cub family night where he made
a real egg appear from an egg bag his mom had made. His big
finish was to juggle the egg with two rubber balls and have the
egg break on his head! After the laughter, Doug was hooked.
Magician, juggler, stilt walker
Doug is the current Guiness World Record holder for:
Tallest and heaviest stilt walk ever made
Awards: Stan Hall stage award
Hurst, Robert O.

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto
Hutton, Darryl

AKA. "Darryl the Wizard"... That Wild Man of Magic

Magic writer. Wrote: Doveworker's Handbook,

Volume 1 & 2, Published by Micky Hades, tricks

published in "Comedy Funnel Magic" published

by Micky Hades, 2 books published in England...

Modern Ventriloquism published by Kaye and Ward Ltd.,

(also published in Australia under separate cover as well

as American copy published in New York by Sterling

Darryl and Van Gorder were instrumental in forming the

Kitchener -Waterloo Magic Society which later became

incorporated into Ring 235 of the IBM. 

Submitted by Darryl/update Dec/24/2001e