Pacific, Paul Steven

b.Saturday, September 12, 1970

Member I.B.M., IBM Ring 17 & 99

Awards:Winner of The Annemann Award –

1995 Drove blindfolded through Niagara Falls,

Created a Headline Prediction entitled, "GREEKED" for

Syzygy, The Journal of Contemporary Mentalism.

Considered by his contemporaries to be one of Canada’s
Page, Dale
(see Patchett)
Parker, Henry 1953 –

b. and raised: April 01, 1953, Ponoka, Alberta

Status: Sonia (Wife) and two sons: Alexander

Ring #28 Edmonton, Alberta and the Edmonton Magic Club

Lifelong interest in magic

Performing since 1991 as Miles of Magic™. Fulltime venture

since 2008. Parlour, platform and stage. Well known as a

children’s and family magician. Developing into adult

B.Sc. (Psychology), University of Alberta

M.B.A., University of Calgary

Retired from a 30 year successful career with the Correctional

Service of Canada (1976 – 2006). Honoured twice with the

Corrections Exemplary Service Medal (1996) and 1st bar (2008).

Retired from Assistant Dean (Administration), University of
Parker, John
Patchett (Page), Dale Edmund
1944 - 2004

Dale Page and his Calliope entertained

children and people at trade shows, resorts,

amusement parks, circuses, festivals, fairs

and exhibitions including the C.N.E. and

Ontario Place as well as all across North

America for over 15 years, dong magic

shows (the Good Time Magic Show), puppet

shows (the Firehouse Puppet Theatre) and

his special fire truck (Fireman Chuck and His

Dale passed away April 16, 2004 after a

lengthy battle with cancer.
Peck, David

r. Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Schooling:Graduate York University - Specialized Honors-

Mentored by and friends with many: Jay Sankey, David -

Ben, Gary Kurtz, Herb Morrissey.

Performing stage and close up magic professionally for

David was a corporate executive with The Plan Group until

the year 2003 and is now pursuing an academic career in

Magic Lecturer and writer - has published in all major

Currently the Project Manager of Magic Hands sponsored

by Magicana - a magical and educational introduction to the

A published writer, public speaker and lecturer, a licensed

electrician, musician and part time poet.

Husband of Elizabeth Peck - a grade school teacher and

educational consultant for Magic Hands.
(submitted Jan 17, 2005 with thanks.)
Phantasma the Magician
(see Edmunds, Gary)
Plotkin, Isaac Harvey
1899 - 1977

Charter member Ring 61/Saskatoon (1948)

Member I.B.M. Ring 66/Calgary, Alberta

Taught school in Saskatchewan and Southern -

Alberta, before moving to Calgary as Jr. High

Instructor. 1967, Joined NOVA Gas -

Corporation for 11 years.

Also enjoyed Lapidary and rock hounding.

Enjoyed performing for children, hospitals,

family and friends. Much of his magic went to -

Junior Magic Club as he had a real desire to -

help and encourage young performers.
Posgate, Bruce
1900 - 1990

Wife:Win Posgate (see below)

Children: Dale, Granddaughter, Jessica

Member I.B.M., Society of Canadian Magicians

I.B.M. International President

Exceptional magic lecturer
Posgate, Mrs. (Win)Bruce
1906 - 1996

Husband: Bruce Posgate (see above)

Children: Dale, Granddaughter, Jessica

Honorary Order of Merlin #48144

Mrs. Posgate travelled with her husband to -

many conventions, especially in England and

made many friends as she was warm, gracious

and outgoing. She maintained her interest in-

her magic friends, the I.B.M., and corresponded-

a great deal until her final illness.

She was hospitalized in early December of 1995

after breaking a leg while on her daily excursion-

to the shops. Her immobility caused-

complications and she was often disheartened-

by her hospitalization and the prospects-

Finally she fell asleep and died peacefully.
Poturnak, William Walter
1940 - 1999

I.B.M #59456/ Ring 92 Vancouver B.C. member

Inducted into the Manitoba Hall of Fame -
Precious, Gordon L.
---- -

Charter member IBM Ring 49, Hamilton
Princess Karma
(see Edmunds, Deanna)