Edmunds, Deanna

Deanna is an active professional and 1/2 of the husband

and wife act with her husband Gary Edmunds (AKA

Phantasma the Magician) until his death in November
Edmunds, Gary
19-- 2007

AKA "Phantasma the Magician"

Gary was an active professional magician and

Past member of I.B.M. and I.B.M. Ring 49 Hamilton

Worked as Phantasma the Magician with his wife Deanna

Edmunds as 1/2 of a husband and wife team.
Eng, Julie

Julie grew up in Victoria B.C.

Julie's interst in magic began early, as a child in a family

of magicians. Her father Tony. own's Tony's Trick and

Joke shop. She was an accomplished rhythmic gymnast,

competing at a national level as well as having studied

ballet for many years. She was a stage performer at a

very early age and after earning a Bachelor of Commerce

Degree, Julie continued her magic career. Julie has

performed around the world for thousands of festivals,

conventions, private and corporate functions and special

events. Julie was the featured artist in the February 2003
Eng, Tony
1946 - 2008

b. Sidney, British Columbia

r. Victoria, British Columbia

Status:Married - spouse Ann

Children: 2 daughters, Julie and Sandra

Original owner, Tony's Trick and Joke Shop Victoria B.C.

Started magic at age 8, learned tricks from local barber

and mentor Bill Weatherill. Displayed talents at family

restaurant and at age 12, performed first stage show.

After high school met and was mentored by Art Curtis

and later mentored by Lon Dingwell. In 1969, Tony

joined the Victoria Magic Club and 1970 the I.B.M..1970's

worked as bartender doing close-up magic, leaving in

the 1980's because of second hand smoke health risk

and opened his own bartending school. Went on to

work every Sunday evening for 20 years at The

Japanese Village Restaurant doing walk around.

Continued doing corporate magic and lecturing.

1987 opened Tony's Trick and Joke Shop. After 10 years

moved to a bigger and current location, open 7 days a

Tony also establish the Premier School of Bartending.

Member:I.B.M., Order of Merlin, I.B.M. Ring 183 Victoria
Evans, Celeste

b.p.White Rock, BC, Canada

Known as the Queen of Magic of Canada

Children: Evan and Evanna

Became interested in magic at age nine.

Started performing in public at an early age, and after

high school, worked the carnival circuit, toured the

country, did many shows earning her dues.

Mentors Jon Kirby and Allan Lambie.

Celeste left Canada in the early 50’s to entertain

Commonwealth troops in Korea and Japan with the

Appeared on many television shows and including Ed

Sullivan and toured the world with the U.N. several times

Celeste finally settled in Chicago but continued to tour.

Celeste married Harry Breyn of Breyn Management and

had two children, Evan and Evanna. Harry passed away

in 1984, and Celeste took over Breyn Management,

retiring in 2003. Celeste remarried in 1992, spending

time with Mitch until he passed away in 2006.

Currently resides in Florida, U.S.A.
Evason, Jeff & Tessa
Jeff 19--

Award winning mentalist couple originally from
Evans, Pat (see also Evans, Rob)

Pat started Chameleon Fabrications in 2006, a magician's

on-line supply store that specializes in sewn goods and
Evans, Rob 1958

b.p. Streetsville, Ontario

Performance name Rob Evans also Evans & Evans

Performing magic and stand up comedy professionally

Regular performer in "A Little Night Magic" from 1987 to

Awarded with a Tourism Ambassador Certificate from the

Government of Canada in 1987 in recognition for work

done for international audiences.

Married Pat in 2002 and began performing as Evans &

Performed in Bosnia for Canadian and NATO troops

Venues include casinos, resorts, charity fundraisers and

Working with various fundraising corporations, Rob has

produced over 150 large theatre variety shows helping to

raise millions of dollars for Ontario charities.
Everett, Kimberly (Kim)

r. Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

Father:Allister(Al) McArthur

Kim's father, Allister (Al) McArthur often had

her assist in his magic act and Kim took up

the art and does card magic
Ewington, Bill