Laidlaw, George

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 oronto
Lake, James (Jimmy)

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto

Served as International Brotherhood of Magicians
Lancaster, Ken

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto
Lang, William S. (Scotty)
---- - ----
Langhorst, Heinz
19-- -
Langlois, Elphege 1911 - 1982

(stage name 'Alain le magicien')

birthplace: St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, PQ.

Married: July 1943 at the age of 31

Youngest of a family of 11or 12 children, Elphege

weighed only 3 lbs. at birth and there were concerns

Elphege was an amateur magician during the 20's

and 30's known as Alain le magicien, performing in

social clubs in small towns in the Montreal area. In

his youth, he was asked to join a traveling show but

his mother, fearing the dangers of a "wild life",

refused to let him go. He kept performing in local

social clubs while working for the Singer Company

starting at age 15. At the time of his retirement, he

was the company expert at sewing machine repairs

and if local technicians could not do the work it was

sent to him. He was a very small person, he was 5'2"

and weighed 120 lbs., when he passed away and in

fact during the war, he was rejected because of his

small build (he weighed only 102 lbs., at the time. He

left the sewing machine repair department to work in

the ammunition side of the factory till the end of the

war. Elphege was a very talented person and

meddled in a variety of things while working for

Singer. During the war he fashioned a pair of

candlesticks from dud ammunition. In the early years

of his marriage, he cultivated and bred Gladioluses.

Later on he built wooden furniture for dolls and he

He passed away at age 70.

(submitted with thanks by, Rejeanne Reid Dec.3, 2004)

(more submitted Jan.14, 2005)
Larouche, Lawrence

Part of Majinx Illusionists

Awards:1999 won Canadian Championship of Magic
Layne, Peter 1926 - 2001
(b. 1926 - d. February 4, 2001)
Schooling: McGill University, Montreal/ graduated,
Chemical Engineering program
Long time member IBM Ring 17, Member Order of Merlin
Charter Member Canadian Association Of Magicians
(more to come)
Leonard, Ronald (Ron)
1923 - 1998

Children: Brian, Ron, David

Held IBM #6882/Order Of Merlin

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto

Life Member Ring 17, Toronto, Served as

President - and advising officer for many years.

Performed for more than 60 years through TV and

stage shows. Known most for his appearances

for more than two decades, on CFTO TV's -

Also, award winning Director Of Advertising for

Renown artist in oil, watercolours, graphite, pen

and ink, his work now resides in many private and

corporate collections world wide.
Lewis, Mark

Magician specialising in children's parties, hypnotism and

close up magic. Performing for 40 years.
Likey, (Magic) Mike
1956 -

Member: I.B.M., S.A.M., C.A.M.,

Produced, wrote and hosted longest running (first -

run) on going television show about magic,

"Magic Mike's Castle" (1985 - 1994).

Responsible for the induction of first female-

member into a magic club in Winnipeg.

Designed special effects for theatrical productions.

First to produce and market video-catalogues of

magic tricks. Markets illusions. Toured throughout

the U.S., Canada and the Bahamas. Lectures -

about magic. Author of 6 books about magic,

writer, producer and host of 3 magic-videos.
Linden, Anthony

Inventor of "Fortune and Fate"

Published videos and some of the first interactive
Lindsey, Cam 1952

Born: Caledon East, Ontario, Canada
Member: C.A.M.

Occupation:Dentist (Dr. Magic)
Introduced to magic by the late Tom Kerr of Brampton

Performed magic for the past 14 years for charities,

schools and birthday parties, eg., performed at last 3

Ronald McDonald McHappy Days.

Performs mostly comedy magic.

(submitted with thanks by Cam Lindsey, Jan.11, 2003)
Lorraine, Rene

(Irene Kathleen Annie Buttler)

Born: Leytonstone England

Married Sid Lorraine July 20, 1932
Lorraine, Sid
1905 - 1989
(Sidney Richard Johnson)
b. April 24, 1905 - d. October 15, 1989

Born: St. Neots, Huntingtonshire, Cambridge, England

Parents:Fred and May Johnson

Wife: Rene Lorraine (Irene Kathleen Annie Buttler)

Founding member - I.B.M. Ring 17

Inventor of many magic effects including, Snakes
Alive/Thumb Fun "Sid Lorraine's Moon Rock".

Former commercial artist, renown illustrator and writer of
magic manuscripts and patter books...

Known for his lightning wit, dry humour and

exceptional patter routines.
Sid has been instrumental in helping other magicians find
their way. He knew Doug Henning when Doug was a
teenager and besides acting as advisor on Spellbound,
Lorraine wrote the prospectus for Henning when Henning
applied for his Canada Council grant.

Many stage and Television appearances.

I.B.M. Ring 17, Toronto, named after Sid Lorraine.
Loughran, Peter 1974

Performer/Inventor, Illusions and close-up

Interested in magic since age 10.

Performed at birthday parties at age 12.

Toured North America with his Illusion show, as

well as numerous national television shows. Also

performed in the Carribean and recently, Turkey.

Invented effects including The Ultimate Cane with

Fantasio, The Poltergeist Illusion, Sudden Fire and

(submitted by Peter Loughran January 9, 2003 with thanks)
Loughrey, Gar

Charter member I.B.M. Ring 17 Toronto
Lowe, Raymond
Lyn, Richard

Birthplace:Jamaica West Indies

Status: Married, wife:Jean

Children: son, Wesley - daughter:Melissa

Rabbit: Lucy the educated rabbit

Performed magic shows at the hotel circuit in -

Ocho Rios Jamaica 1958 - 1964

Banquet performer "Comedy Magic"

10 years table hopping magic at "Obies" restaurant

Performed pro magic in Jamaica from 1953 - 1965

Migrated to Toronto Canada September 11, 1965

Recognized as "Toronto's foremost children's-

Winner of Toronto's "City Parent Magazine" "The Best

Featured on the Discovery Channel Documentary -

Featured on CBC magic special 1988

Guest appeared 2 times as a "Mentalist" on The Elwood-

Glover Lunch time TV special

Many appearances in the Toronto Star, Scarborough-

Mirror, Markham Economist, Mississauga times and

Richmond Hill Liberal newspapers.

Featured article as a Mentalist in Abbotts "Tops"-

(submitted with thanks January 11, 2005)