Raj (see Wupradrishta)
Randi, James (Amazing) 1928

Birthplace: Toronto (Leaside) Ontario, Canada

Birth name: Randall James Hamilton Zwinge

Author of many books including, Houdini: His Life

& Art, The Truth About Uri Geller, and Flim - Flam,

James Randi is also a magician, escapologist,

psychic debunker, lecturer, amateur archaeologist,

amateur astronomer, radio host and writer of

articles, essays, book reviews and stories for many

magazines including The Skeptic and New York

James Randi, The Amazing Randi, or Randi,

has appeared on many television specials, talk

shows, documentaries, and variety productions

around the world. As a performer and lecturer, he

has done three world tours and has even

performed at the White House.

Considered to be one of the greatest living escape

artists, the Amazing Randi made headlines with his

outstanding escapes including escaping from a

straightjacket while suspended over Niagara Falls,

and duplicating Houdini's Milk Can Escape on

Randi was also thrust into the spotlight in 1970

when he debunked Uri Geller, an entertainer who

claimed supernatural powers, bending spoons and

moving objects while on national television shows.

Randi would go on to write, The Truth About Uri

Randi became a U.S. citizen in 1987 and was,

among other things, one of the founding fellows

of CSICOP, a none profit group for the

investigation of psychic phenomena.

In 1996, Randi founded the James Randi

Educational Foundation, located in Fort

Lauderdale Florida, a none profit foundation to

promote information and critical thinking about

paranormal and supernatural claims. A

$1,000,000.00 prize was made available from the

Foundation to anyone who was able to prove

psychic, supernatural or paranormal abilities of

any kind under scientific conditions.

James Randi's awards and honors include

speaking and lecturing awards, magical society

awards, scientific awards and even an honorary

degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. In fact, Randi

even has a planetoid named in his honor. Asteroid

3163/1981QMc now known as "Randi" c.
Ransom, Tom
Rawlings, Scott 1967
aka., (Steven Scott)
(b. March 25, 1967)
Birth Place: Windsor, Ontario
Designer of Illusions, The Decapitor
Teacher: Taught and managed many magicians including,
Jason Bryne.

Member I.B.M. Merlin Award

Member of the Windsor Magic Circle Ring 116

Star Seeker award from Norweigan Cruise Lines

Scott has done 4 Atlantic Canada Tours in the late 80's, and 7

years of the Muskoka Resort area early 90's. Produced and

instaled amusement park shows at CANADA'S



Performed at Commerce Casino, Caesars Windsor

President, Magic Enterprises Productions, Windsor, Ont.
Rayle, Marc-Andrea

Specializes as Close-up magician

Awards: 1998 won 1st place Alberta's Best of the Best
Reymond, Patrick
Robinson, Donald McPherson
1919 - 1997

(b.June 29, 1919 - d.May 2, 1997)

r. Victoria, British Columbia

I.B.M. #17135, member Order of Merlin

Charter and Lifetime member -

Moved to Victoria 1923 with parents

After war, worked for Robinson's Grocery,

Next 35 years worked for Royal Jubilee -

Hospital, accounting Dept.

Associated with Metropolitan-

United Church including Actimets -

Couples Club as President

Organized and MC'd many of Victoria-

Magic Circle events, public performances,-
Roch, Ray

Member of the Canadian Association of Magicians, member

#918 The international Brotherhood of magicians, Ring #92 and

the Society of American magicians, Assembly #95.

Rays' introduction to Magic began as a young twenty- five year

old father of two children, Dianna and Janette. While living in

Winnipeg, Manitoba and managing an apartment building on

Gertrude Street, he came upon a rabbit roaming the halls and

followed it to an apartment where the owner resided. It turned

out the occupant, Terry Greenwood was a magician and the

rabbit was used in his show. Terry and Ray soon became friends

and Terry introduced Ray to sleight of hand magic with coins

and cards, which Ray soon became adept at, ultimately using

the sleights he learned in venues throughout the world. Terry

also introduced Ray to a magic club in Winnipeg named after

one of the originators of the International brotherhood of

magicians, Len Vintus. (The organization was founded February

10, 1922 in Winnipeg on floor 7 of the Union Bank Tower, by Len

Vintus (stage name of Melvin Justus Given McMullen) of

Transcona, Manitoba, Gene Gordon (aka Gordon Avery) of

Buffalo, New York, and Don Rogers (aka Ernest Schieldge)

Although it was officially known as the Len Vintus Ring #40 it

was fondly nicknamed, 'The Drinking Ring', a wonderful place

of camaraderie where great magicians of the era got together to

swap stories and magic. Over the years Ray continued to

practise the art of magic and over time, became quite proficient

at performing his act at a variety of venues. Here is a brief

synopsis of Rays' magical journey. Ray has performed magic for

over 40 years! His experience is rich and varied with

performances in venues from private parties; cruise ships, trade

shows and even fairs, festivals and rodeos. A highlight of Rays'

worldly travels was his performances close to the North Pole

while touring with the 'Frantic Follies Vaudeville Review', a

venue that included the isolated "DEW" line bases manned by

the Canadian Armed Forces during the cold war. It was these

Follies that influenced Ray to develop a character that he's used

extensively while performing at themed and corporate events ...

Flim-Flam Foolery. It's a depiction of an old time vaudevillian or

con man with a straw hat, baggy pants and spats, a wonderful

costume that brought Ray work simply because he was different,

very colorful and stood out in a crowd. It helped that Ray was

also performing the old 'Three Shell Game', which in itself, is a

novelty. Ray can still recall close-up venues where to gather a

crowd, all he had to do was place the shells and a pea on the

table. He didn't have to say a word . . . as soon as people saw the

shells they approached, eager to be bamboozled. It's a great

attention getter and fun to watch. Hence the act, Flim-Flam

Foolery was born. Rays' signature piece is his coin act. Ray has

performed a routine, called 'Easy Money' featuring dollar size

coins in his stage show for many years with great success.

Initially, he was told that the coins would be too hard to see.

However, with good lights and music, Ray has managed to

prove the naysayers wrong by entertaining at thousands of

venues with his original presentation of 'Easy Money'.

Performances at the famous "Magic Castle" in Hollywood, a

Mecca for magicians, along with recent appearances during the

illustrious 'Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic' magic conference

held annually in New York, firmly established Ray as one of the

elite in magic and earned him a coveted "Masters Degree"! The

journey is not over; Ray constantly invents new routines and was

recently involved in a theatrical production at the Waterfront

Theatre in Vancouver B.C. called "The Vaudevillian
Rourke, Wallace L.

I.B.M. member since December 1970

Originally a member of Ring 17 Toronto

Specializes in rope magic
Rumball, Leonard
---- -

Charter member IBM Ring 49, Hamilton
Russ, Norman A.
1927 - 1998

I.B.M. # 22516, member Order of Merlin