Fabian, Nicholas (Nick)
Faith, Don

Birthplace: Winnipeg, Manitoba

children: Elizabeth and Thomas

First interested in magic at age 7

Moved to Nova Scotia in 1998

First magician to escape from the inside of a welded and locked

shut oil drum submerged to the bottom of the ocean with no

As of Oct 29/2006- has 45 aerial straight jacket escapes to his

credit/ 9 with the trapeze ropes on fire.

Largest illusion and escape show in the Atlantic provinces.
Farquhar, Shawn
19-- -

Illusionist, corporate entertainer, close-up performer

Expert, Shawn has performed world wide

Awards: 1992 - Pacific Coast Gold Medal Champions

1991 - Pacific Coast Gold Medal Champions

1991 - Rising Star of Magic (Mystic Craig Award),

Society of American Magicians

Member - I.B.M., S.A.M., C.A.M., Magic Castle

Performs magic, consults and appeared in dozens of

television series, movies of the week and major motion-
Finn, Derick
19-- -
Fisher, Mike 1972

(see also Amazing Corbin, The)

b.p. Tillsonburg, Ontario

Member: I.B.M., #63583R, I.B.M. Ring 265 London Ontario, C.A.M.

Currently (Dec.2005) V.P. London Magicians Ring 235

Featured on The New Pl (local TV station) 5 times, 25 newspaper

appearances in 6 different newspapers

Interested in magic as a child after receiving magic kits and joke

Mike currently volunteers his time facilitating a young magicians

club at the St. Thomas Public Library, for about 2 years (2005).

He also volunteers shows, workshops and presentations for

disadvanaged and challenged children. Mike writes about the

young magicians club in the C.A.M. Newsletter.

(submitted December 10, 2005)
Ford, Ron
19-- -
Forget, Richard 19--

Richard Forget is a magician with a show that places

him at the forefront of the magic world. Richard's

signature act, An Urban Phantasy has garnered many

awards. Richard has performed in Canada, the U.S.A.,

Europe and Asia as well as on live television in front of

2001 - International Brotherhood of Magicians jury and

2001 - Society of American Magicians jury and People's

2001 - International Battle of Magicians jury and

People's Choice Champion, (No Magician has ever won

all three competitions in one year)

2001 - Silver Lion Award - China

1999 - Mystic Craig Award - America

1999 - Gold IBM Magic Competition - Finalist
Forrester, Stephen
1961 -

Won awards in magic contests including Western-

regionals in Spokane (1979), Great Falls (1982) and

Calgary (1983). In 1985 received teacher's certificate-

and published The Art Of Street Magic (1989).

Performed on Television and made magic video -

in Hawaii (1991). His Bibliography of Magic-

Classics (1993) came out in 1998 and he appeared -

in a video with Mae Moore.

In 2000, his Annotated Discovery of Witchcraft -

Booke XIII appeared. As of 2001, he has worked-

19 years of Sunday nights doing table magic at the

Japanese Village restaurant and is listed in -

Stan Allan's Magic Magazine under "Who's Where".

He has published over 60 articles in magic-

magazines to date and hopes to convert his -

4, 500+ magic book collection into a Canadian-
Fournier, Adrian

Professional magician for seven years

Started performing in festivals and children's birthday

October 1998, joined Claude Haggerty Illusion Show

and travelled for two years with the show.

Currently performs at festivals, children's birthday

(submitted May 23, 2003 by Adrian Fournier with thanks)
Freeman, Paul Matthew 19-- - 1988
In 1988 over the skies of Lockerbie Scotland,
Pan-Am Flight 101 exploded, taking with it-
one of Canada's newest upcoming stars.
Paul Matthew Freeman often performed summer-
gigs at Canada's Wonderland and also traveled and
performed for two years with the American Troupe,
Landis & Company. He was one of two Canadians
aboard that disastrous flight. He had been living and
studying the arts in London England and was on
his way home for Christmas with his Fiancee at the
time. He had just signed for his first major movie
role when the bombing took place. Paul had already
performed in a few American movies at that point,
the most well known would have been Superman IV
where he had a small speaking part.
(more to come)
Frewin, Greg

B. May 21, 1967 (Approx 5:00PM)

Greg Frewin has appeared in countries around the world,

including a command performance for Prince Ranier in

Monte Carlo. Greg has performed on many television

shows including World's Greatest Magic I, Champions of

magic and many others. He has made his own television

special, a one hour show on a Holland America Cruise

Greg won first place at I.B.M., S.A.M. and FISM for his

Greg was the first to be awarded the Magician of The year

by the Canadian Association Of Magicians

He has appeared on stages throughout Las Vegas

His latest project (Jan 2005) is his magic complex which

will be located in Niagara Falls Ontario which will house a

theatre, restaurant and bar and disply some of his exotic

cats. Scheduled to open April 2005.
Fulton, Jerry
Furney, Hugo
19-- -

Hugo Furney is a legend in Southern Ontario magic circles

having helped out countless young magicians including

Doug Henning. Hugo is an experienced performer having

entertained in the Niagara area for over 45 years. He played

Merlin at Henry VIII Banquets at the Buttery Theatre

Restaurant in Niagara-on-The-Lake and was the first

resident magician at the Houdini Magical Hall of Fame in

Niagara Falls Ontario. Hugo is member of I.B.M. Ring 12

Buffalo, Ring 49 Hamilton, Ring 294 Fonthill and is Order of

Merlin. He is a member of the Junior Chamber of

Commerce, Past President Thorold Jaycees and Lifetime

JCI Senator. Hugo was Editor/Publisher of the Thorold

News, one of the first Newspapers to be produced on

computers using Desktop Publishing (Pagemaker).

Computer wise, he is a member of the NAMUG club, the

Niagara region users grop and currently puts out their

newsletter. Hugo has 6 children and 12 grandchildren, likes

fishing, has a bass boat but can't seem to find the time to

use it. He volunteers at the MacKenzie Print Museum in

Queenston, Ontario helping out once in a while to give

regular staff a day off. He has worked in the printing

industry for over 40 years, starting after school, then

attending Western University, Graduating in Journalism in

1952. Hugo has seen many changes in the printing industry

and has set type by hand, linotype and then computer.